What is a Rodent Treatment?
A Rodent Treatment is the eradication or preventative treatment for Rodents, this can either be done by chemicals or traps.
Rat expert, Dr Luke Leung, said it’s likely you’re never more than 10 meters away from a rat in Brisbane. Mice are also common, and can be more of a hassle because their smaller size allows them to creep into our homes.
Rodents are a problem! Not only do they eat our food, but they also carry many diseases. These diseases can be spread to people through direct contact with rodents or rodent faeces, or even just by breathing in air contaminated with rodent faeces! …

Typically rodents make quite some noise in your roof and wall cavities, so when it’s quiet at night you can tell they’re there. Sometimes mistaken as possums, if you are hearing noises from your roof it is more than likely some type of rodent.
When performing a rodent treatment, a licensed professional will first inspect the property to identify what specific locations the rodents are frequenting.
Based on their assessment, they will determine what rodent treatment option is best. Some common treatment options are traps and baiting.

How our baits specifically work better than other options?
We choose to use a Selontra Soft Baits for our rodent treatments.
It works by making the Rodent not hungry, often after they eat the bait they will go outside and die away from your property.
This stops the home owner from having to see, or remove, dead rodents from the traps located around their property.
Hiring a professional to eradicate rodents is the safest and most effective way to make sure you keep these pests away.
We Kill Termites can help
We Kill Termites is a Brisbane based Pest Control and Termite company that has professionals that aren’t just experts in the field, but also care about you and your family as individuals. If you’d like us to completely stop rodents from coming into your home, contact one of our friendly professionals here.
How do you treat rodent problems?
Some preventative measures you as the homeowner can take is by sealing all holes in and around the house to avoid access. Other than that call a licensed Technician and they will be able to treat them.
What is the method of killing rodents?
There are 2 main ways in which you kill rodents, one being snap traps which are quick and humane if you use a well designed trap or chemicals will also kill them
What is the meaning of the word rodent?
Any of an order (Rodentia) or relatively small gnawing mammals (such as mouse, squirrel, rat, or beaver) that have in both jaws a pair of incisors with a chisel-shaped edge.
How does rodent treatment work?
A technician comes in, does an inspection on the property for signs of mice or rats, applys the chemicals to high traffic areas. Then give the chemicals enough time to work and the rodents will eat the chemical and die outside the home.